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Santa comes to Morgan McKinley!

Here at Morgan McKinley - we are firm believers in work life blend - as opposed to work life balance.

In this era of social media, ever changing technologies and basically never switching off (I know I am not the only one in need of a digital detox this Christmas!) our working lives and our personal lives have never been more intertwined.

In fact, it could be argued that work life balance as a concept is pretty much a thing of the past.  The current working environment means we cannot compartmentalise our work and home lives as easily as before, work and life is irrevocably and irretrievably intertwined - so why fight it!

As a mum of three energetic youngsters, they are very interested in where I disappear to each morning. The eldest thinks I am a teacher (at 5 years old this is the only job worth having)  but apart from the obligatory visit during maternity leave as new babies - none of them have ever really experienced where I work and what it is about Morgan McKinley that I find so great!

Last Saturday we held an event in our Dublin office where all employees were invited to bring their children to the office for a ‘Kids Christmas Party’ with one very special guest all the way from the North pole! Refreshments were provided for all (we are still enjoying the leftover mince pies) and the kids had great fun colouring, watching Christmas movies, meeting Santa, singing Christmas songs and checking out where mum/dad work!

Santa was a huge hit and there was a personalised specially selected gift for each child, which went down a treat. It was a great experience being able to show the kids where I work. They also really enjoyed meeting my colleagues and their own kids too in a relaxed and informal setting.

Morgan McKinley has a broad demographic of employees and in our ongoing quest to be a Great Workplace we continuously ask our employees what we can do to enhance their experiences here. Events such as last weekends family party, are as a direct result of employee’s suggestions being listened to and implemented.

So now in my kids eyes I am not a teacher anymore - I have been promoted to Santa’s helper!!!

Wishing you all the best for the festive season!

  • Dec 04, 2015
  • Careers , Culture
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Helen Gallagher

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