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Heatwave half marathon | Run Ger Run!

Running in yet another London heatwave, Ger Fitzgerald continues his 'Run Ger Run' challenge for the MMK Million by running a half marathon around some of the beautiful parks and tourist attractions...

Running in yet another London heatwave, Ger Fitzgerald continues his 'Run Ger Run' challenge for the MMK Million by running a half marathon around some of the beautiful parks and tourist attractions...

Accompanied by 4 members of the London team, Ger ran across the City of London, passing the London Eye, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace, before heading across town to Battersea Park - where Ger fell slightly behind the group, and ended up running an entire lap on the park rather than leaving at the next gate!

Hard work and great determination by all involved, and well done to Ger on completing half marathon number 2 of 6. Ger will be rounding up a team from our Tokyo office where he will be running his next half marathon. Watch this space! #MMKMillion

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  • Sep 05, 2016
  • CSR
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Danielle Fullick

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