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Cocktails and Debates

Social media is at the heart of every company’s brand and marketing strategy and so is networking. Both very different topics, or are they?

With social media you can meet and speak with people from all over the world, you can connect with like minded professionals, and for some, meet your new spouse. For others it’s a great way to map companies and the markets you work in as well as find out about new events. But, what does this mean? It means that social media and networking are not so different, in fact, they work hand in hand.

Recruiting into Sales and Marketing, our recruiters decided to hold a cocktail debate evening on social networking with the opportunity to participate in wine tasting and even some cocktail making of their own.

Hosted at our offices just off the Champs Elysees, we were joined by two speakers, Jean-Noël Chaintreuil, Director of Digidust and Guillaume du Poy, Founder of For Value, to lead the debate. Focusing on the social media side, Jean-Noël, spoke about his experience of using social media to network effectively and how to build ‘win-win’ client relationships. Guillaume, on the other hand, spoke about networking in the more traditional sense by attending conferences, public debates and attending alumni gatherings.

A chance to meet new people, discuss and share ideas whilst enjoying some decadent wines and sumptuous cocktails, this was an excellent platform for like-minded professionals to network themselves.

Pour regarder les opportunites disponibles de notre cabinet, cliquez ici.

Read about it on the French site [in French]: Cocktail-Débat / Change Management : Quelle place donner à l'humain ?

  • Nov 19, 2013
  • Careers , Culture
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Morgan McKinley

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