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Just like our other offices, our team like to keep things a little bit different for our clients.

Since opening in 2011, we have hosted several events at our office including the successful Project and Change Management event (see pictures here) and our Guide Réussir son Recrutement cocktail debate event in July. Each of our events have featured sushi chefs, painters and even wine tasting to name but a few things.

This September, we will be hosting another event in September and this time, we will be joined by the very talented Jérôme Moulin Fournier. We interviewed Jérôme to find out what makes an artist tick and to find out more about his exhibition, "Le premier jour."

Interview with Jérôme Moulin Fournier

Watch the interview here [in French]:

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I took my first painting class at eight years old. That same year, my teacher, Delphine had me studying perspectives taught me to draw bodies and faces. I decided to make a large investment and had an art workshop installed into the family home. Over the years I created my own universe and collected a number of objects, tools and experimented with different colours. Over this time, my workshop grew, but my work didn’t.

As a teenager, I stopped doing life drawings to explore new techniques. I started using lots of different materials and applying layers of fabric on top of layers and varnishing them to create disorder and new movement in my pieces.

What is your source of inspiration?

Each painting comes from a strong emotion. It can come from my personal life, intimate times, experiences, desire, frustration, love and sadness. My vision of emotion becomes graphic and colourful on the canvas.

What methods/techniques do you use?

I have been painting on wood since 1996. I use oil paints and acrylics. I like to add other materials to my paintings to enrich them, such as sand, fabric and wood chips. I apply them with knives, trowels, sponges, my hands but I also use paint brushes and keep them with me.

What is your intention as an artist?

My paintings are part of my life and they feed on me. They are unique visions that are from my life. I have a more conventional career, but my painting is a way of complimenting my life. It’s a language which I love to speak. I am 40 years old and I want to travel and to share my experiences with others. While my approach to my work may be a little selfish, I really enjoy it when the emotion that I have painted into my piece touches the person looking at it.

What’s happening next and exhibitions 2013 is where I am going to be sharing a lot of my work. I have a short exhibition on the 21st June at Asnieres and will be open to the public from July to September. I will also be exhibiting at Morgan McKinley in the 7th district in September and October. Over the next few months, I will also be meeting with a lot of galleries, art collectors and agents who are advising and guiding me on my next approach.

  • Aug 12, 2013
  • Culture
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