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Why do we blog?

Writing blogs is an integral part of our careers at Morgan McKinley.

Members of each team are encouraged to write blogs weekly which are then posted on either our local Morgan McKinley websites or our Careers website. In the past many people have asked me why I write blogs, and why our company as a whole write blogs, as they don’t see the point or need for them. However, there are many reasons as to why Morgan McKinley take blogging so seriously; reasons which show the high importance of blogging, especially within this industry:

Online Visibility
Having our employees, who are specialists in their fields writing blogs and posting them online hugely increases our visibility and web presence. Blogging gets us in front of our audience in a positive and value adding way, delivering content that will appeal to existing and potential clients and professionals. Through our blogs we are able to advise our candidates and clients, rather than the traditional recruitment method of only contacting them when we need them. We believe that our blogs are testament to our credibility within the recruitment industry, keeping us at the forefront of professional’s minds.

Communicating with a wider audience
Blogging also allows us to reach out to those individuals who are not necessarily looking for a job opportunity at that point in time. This in itself is creating an invisible pipeline, as those who have read our blogs and have therefore become familiar with us as a company will reach out to us as a first point of contact when the time does come that they want to move roles. The fact that each blog gets shared on social media websites over and over again puts us in front of an otherwise unreachable audience, as well as increasing our visibility in the market.

We are experts 
For our blogs to be a successful tool, we need to be posting frequently as well using content which shows that we are experts in our field. Having members from each team writing weekly blogs on the market which they’re recruiting for shows our candidates and clients that we are experts in that field, and that we care about the market we recruit for. It shows that we are knowledge leaders within our market, sharing industry-specific content with clients and candidates, and increasing their trust in Morgan McKinley.

  • Nov 25, 2014
  • Careers
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