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Walking Club marks National Walking Month in May

This month we celebrated National Walking Month in the UK - a campaign to promote the benefits of walking and to get everyone involved, no matter what your level of fitness is.

Walking is simple,  free and one of the easiest ways to be more active, lose weight and become healthier. 

To celebrate National Walking Month, we launched our very own Walking Club at the beginning of May which involves a 30 minute walk at lunchtime every Friday. The objective of the Walking Club is for everyone to get some fresh air, headspace, improve fitness levels and to get out of the office on Friday afternoon! The club was very well received with between 5-10 people walking together every Friday along the Thames and through nearby gardens. The sun has been shining for all 4 Walking Club days which made it even more successful.

Fitting more walking into your day is easy. It will help you feel healthier, improve your mood and can even give your relationships with colleagues a boost. Here are a few tips on how you can fit walking into your day...

1. Try a walking meeting

Cheer up your schedule for the week by organising some walking meetings with your colleagues. 
Who said you had to sit down for a meeting? The most creative moments take place outdoors. Get a change of scenery, boost your energy levels and burn a few calories in the process.

2. Lunch alfresco instead of aldesko

As the weather is getting better, why not plan a lunch alfresco instead of aldesko? Invite your friends and colleagues on a picnic. Pack a picnic rug and lots of nibbles, then get walking to find the perfect spot. 

3.  Walk for the last 20 minutes to or from work

You might not be able to walk the whole way to or from work, but you can skip a bus stop or park your car further away to add in 20 minutes walking before or after work. The average Brit spends a minimum of a £1,000 a year on transport costs, so you'll start cutting these too.

4. Take a mindful meander

Don't let a hectic week get you down. Walking is the perfect way to zone out and rid yourself of negative thoughts. Take time for yourself and to absorb your surroundings - sights, smells and sounds. 

5. Go ahead, treat yourself

Why not take a walk and treat yourself! That could mean buying yourself something nice - but it certainly means doing something that makes you happier. Walking is not only good for our bodies, it's great for our mood. Give it a spin - it's the least you deserve!

Walking Club marks National Walking Month in MayWalking Club marks National Walking Month in May




club marks national walking

Walking Club marks National Walking Month in May

  • May 27, 2016
  • Careers
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Lainey Gower

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