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Planning for your wedding VS planning for your next job opportunity

Anyone who knows me knows I love to plan! Being prepared, organised and feeling ahead of myself is my ideal situation. If I am going on holidays, getting ready for Christmas or most recently planning for my own wedding, you will find me always with a list to hand and making sure I have all in order. 

My planning skills have been really put to the test over the last 16 months. Since I got engaged in May 2015 I have been consumed with wedding thoughts, talks, planning and organising. As a lot of people would say: planning for a wedding really is a full time job and brides-to-be can be very overwhelmed by this. 

For myself I will admit it has been a full time job but it has certainly not been a stressful job. I think this is purely down to the fact that I have planned all my planning. I put time frames in place for when certain things had to be completed, I took breaks from all the planning and with less than 2 weeks to go I am happy to say I am all set, feeling calm and now just enjoying the countdown. 

The whole process can be very relevant to when looking for a new opportunity. From getting your CV ready to preparing for interview. If you can plan all of this, the process of finding a new position will not be as daunting, time consuming or stressful.

If you are looking for a new position start at the beginning with your CV. Do not overlook your CV. Make a few drafts, check the spelling and grammar and when you feel confident that you are portraying your profile as best you can then finalize your CV. It is only now that you should start applying for particular positions. 

Applying for roles, well this is just like selecting your wedding vendors. When I was trying to select the various vendors for my wedding, in particular my photographer, I researched wedding photographers, looked at reviews and also asked for recommendations. I narrowed it down to about 4 photographers, got in touch with them and selected the one who I felt I could work best with. If you find a role of interest – take the same approach. Research the company and their reviews, ask your network if they have an insight into the particular company. This will allow you to have a good overall picture and help you decide the question of ‘is this a company I would love to work for’? Don’t just apply based on a job title and certainly do not just apply to everything and anything. This will just lead to an overload of emails, calls and you will have no sense of what you have applied for. 

If you can take the approach of planning, researching and preparing when it comes to looking for a new role you will find the whole experience will be less stressful and more effective. 

If you need any assistance with looking for a new opportunity, or are interested in becoming a recruitment consultant to assist candidates and client with their recruitment needs, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

  • Sep 19, 2016
  • Careers
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Michelle Donohoe

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