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An internship at Morgan McKinley Waterford

As I reach a month into my internship at Morgan Mckinley, I decided to look back on the past month and see how far I have come and look into the future to see how far I have yet to go.

My thoughts bring me straight back to my very first day: waking up, tired from an unsettled night of wonder, wondering what it was going to be like, wondering what I had gotten myself into. This wonder turned to fear as I pulled up and began the ascent to the office, fear I would be completely out of my depth, fear that everyone would be glued to their screens and not even notice me, fear that I had done the wrong thing. I nervously pressed the intercom and announced my arrival.

To my surprise, an energetic Joanne sprung open the door and welcomed me into the office, she took me under her wing and became my mentor for the past month. We continued into the office where she introduced me to the team, my worries before were immediately settled. Everyone in the office was bubbly, friendly and energetic and made me feel right at home. Their lively personalities were contagious and Joanne and the team made my first day feel like some sort of celebration, kind of like Christmas.

They put me to work creating a LinkedIn account and using that for sourcing and introduced me to their in-house systems. Before long it was time to finish and head home but I couldn't wait for the next day.

Over this last month, Morgan McKinley has become my home away from home, the sense of comradery and the teamwork I've experienced here at Morgan McKinley is something I have never experienced before. I look forward to the next 6 months with them, learning more each day.

Dale O’Sullivan is a Third Level student studying Human Resource Management at Dublin Institute of Technology. He has joined Morgan McKinley Waterford as an intern to gain some practice insight into what he is learning in college.

  • Oct 10, 2017
  • Ireland
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