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Charity Event | Abseiling Down Broadgate Tower!

On Saturday 19th September four colleagues and I took part in a charity event: abseiling down Broadgate Tower, London.

The Broadgate Tower abseil is currently the highest civilian abseil in the UK at 541ft and a staggering 35 floors!

This brilliantly organised event was in aid of Bliss Baby Charity who exist to ensure that all babies born too soon, too small or too sick in the UK have the best possible chance of survival and of reaching their full potential, a charity who Morgan McKinley employees voted for and selected as our corporate charity earlier this year and a cause close to a number of our hearts.

The five of us signed up for the challenge at the beginning of the year and immediately set up our Just Giving pages - sending links out to colleagues, family and friends to get sponsorship. We also held a very successful bake sale and one of my colleagues even offered eyebrow threading in return for sponsorship. At a client event Morgan McKinley held on Friday, we held a raffle for two tickets to the Rugby World Cup Final which as you can imagine went down amazingly and generated over £1,000 in sponsorship. 

We arrived at the tower at 12 noon on Saturday and the weather couldn’t have been more perfect; the sun was shining and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Wearing our bliss t-shirts and with harnesses attached, we took the lift to the 33rd floor and walked the additional two floors to the roof of the building. We paused at the top and took a moment to take in the stunning views of London (even I enjoyed them at this stage when I had both feet on the floor!).
The descent was challenging but with determination, and a little help from the trained instructors who abseiled down with us, I am so proud to say that we all made it down in roughly 15 minutes each – some of us enjoying it more than others!  

It is lovely to work for a company who are so involved with a charity and enjoy giving back and actually making a difference. 
For me personally, I signed up to the abseil not just for the sponsorship for such a brilliant, worthy cause, but also to overcome my fear of heights. I can safely say that after Saturday I still have a fear of heights, but I am so glad that I took part in the challenge, experienced the challenge, and ticked abseiling off my bucket list. 

Aine Connellan, Lainey Gower, Louise James, Presha Taneja and myself raised £3,109.65 for Bliss. 

If you would like to work for a company who are proud to be associated to a great charity like Bliss, and who encourage you to take part in worthy causes like the abseil, then please get in touch with me today 0207 092 0269. 


  • Sep 21, 2015
  • Careers , CSR
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