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Americanisms, Statistics & Iron Man: Morgan McKinley London in the News

This is a roundup of the coverage that we have received off the back of the latest edition of our genre-defining-La-La-Land-of-a-press-release, the London Employment Monitor (LEM).

The Guardian kick-started this month’s coverage with their attention grabbing headline, “UK labour shortages reported as EU worker numbers fall”. Supplementing our LEM data with findings from the Adecco Group and Chartered Institute of Personnel Development, the article goes on to warn of UK employers struggling to fill vacancies in a number of key sectors as cautious Europeans consider their next steps. That theme is echoed by Financial NewsEconomia and American news powerhouse CNBC, who issued a similarly dire (and Americanised) assessment of the UK’s labor market.

The Telegraph in contrast takes a much more optimistic outlook, commenting that, “the figures indicate that there is no headlong rush to the door” - the expression 'facts are stubborn, but statistics are pliable' comes to mind. The article waxes lyrical about London’s unique financial infrastructure, citing it as the core reason for cautious optimism.

City A.M. and eFinancial Careers find positivity in a different place, citing the drop in candidate numbers as an opportunity for City professionals on the hunt for a new position. Indeed, the eFinancial article goes a step further and analyses a full year's worth of London Employment Monitor data to conclude that the next best time to conduct a job search would be deep in the summer, where supply tends to outweigh the demand.

Other outlets to feature the LEM include BloombergAPSCOHR News,Workplace Insight and Pound Sterling LiveLeaving you all with no shortage of content to share on your professional social media accounts. 

Finally, I got quite excited when Hakan Enver’s name came up on my Google Alerts for an article entitled, ‘What banks can learn from Iron Man’ – it's not quite as left field as the headline suggests, but an interesting read nevertheless.  

If anyone has any questions on this month’s coverage or any ideas for PR in your area, ping me a mail on and we'll organise a chat.

  • Feb 15, 2017
  • Careers , UK
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Morgan McKinley

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